Maximising value from divestitures
Nishant Parakh discusses how to get the most out of a business's divestment activity, and what some of the fundamental considerations should be.

"Divestitures can create value when planned for proactively. It is therefore imperative to think holistically about the divestment and consider the different elements of the sale early in the process, with a view that it is likely to evolve as the sale progresses."
We often hear our clients talk about parts of their businesses that are not getting enough management attention and required investment they need to thrive. Selling doesn’t instantly come to mind as clients typically worry about how to replace earnings or the distraction a carve out would create for their core business.
Oaklin are well placed to work alongside clients to navigate ambiguity and complexity that surround strategic divestment decision making. We bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and capabilities to instil the right level of focus to support our clients along the end-to-end lifecycle of a divestiture.
In addition to supporting clients across the divestiture lifecycle, Oaklin also provide a wrap of core consulting services (e.g. Change Management, Business Architecture) to drive mutual value capture, enable a clean separation and embed long lasting change.
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Author: Nishant Parekh, Consultant